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Nadir Alzamora (Ridan) Country: Peru   Ridan was born in Lima, Perú in 1990. He moved to Piura to study where he developed a closeness with the town of Yapatera- Chulucanas, which became a key place in his artistic development. From a young age, Ridan had a closeness with nature, which he later on used as the main subject matter in his art. Artistically, he is interested in getting to know new places and then finding a way to break them down into colors, shapes, and symbols. Listen to his story!  

Sirin Anoush, a contemporary artist, showcased her latest series of cyanotype artworks titled “Show one’s teeth” in a joint exhibition with Mier Sandra at the Schaufensterkunst Gallery in Schaan, Liechtenstein (http://www.schaufensterkunst.li). The exhibition was a remarkable success, attracting a diverse range of visitors who were intrigued by Sirin’s thought-provoking art. Sirin’s art is inspired by negative emotions, and her latest series is no exception. “Show one’s teeth” is a reflection on the end of the human instinct and the beginning of the animal instinct, exploring the themes of conflict, aggression, and survival. Sirin uses her own teeth as a visual element in the


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+41 77 478 41 82