IT IS DISRUPTIVE a a Positive Social Impact a a Shaping Connections Meaningful art a


"Manzi Jackson's Kunst fasziniert mich: sein Stil und Thema - wer möchte nicht mal zum Mond fliegen und nicht nur neue Kontinente und Planeten besuchen? - hat so gut zum 20. Geburtstag meiner Tochter gepasst! Das Satellites of Art Team hat mich kompetent betreut; die Lieferung war unkopliziert und pünktlich. Ein Erfolg!"

Regula, Natters, Österreich

As an experienced Curator for high-value art collections, I am intrigued by the offer and mission of Satellites of Art. The art offered is of high quality and responds to trends in the global art market. I am particularly drawn to Reggie and Manzi’s work as they are bold and innovative in their approach. Satellites of Art’s service is highly transparent, professional and reliable, I can’t recommend them enough.”

Jade, London, UK

"Das Bild von Victoria Nabulime hat mich sofort angesprochen durch seinen urtümlichen Charakter. Zudem gefällt mir die Idee auch weniger bekannte Künstlerinnen und Künstler auf der ganzen Welt mit Kunstinteressierten zusammenzubringen."

Philipp, Leimbach, Schweiz


So much excellent artwork remains unseen internationally as some art markets remain under explored, and sales beyond regions and across continents are still limited. Satellites of Art is an art platform that aims to breach these gaps by connecting artists in emerging markets with art enthusiasts all over the world.


We believe in the power of art to stimulate thought and create social change. That is why our artists’ work reflects what we fight for: human rights, equality, a safe climate, peace and justice, and a world free from racism and prejudice.

Our mission is to facilitate networks and marketing expertise for activist artists to present and sell their art beyond borders. We think and exchange globally to tackle common challenges of our future through artistic expression.


Satellites of Art works as a catalyser for inclusive debate and social impact by making art from emerging countries more visible and by increasing its status in the international art scene.

Discover new creators


While many artists from these regions aspire to get discovered to sell their art across national boundaries and beyond their regions, many do not have the marketing expertise and network to do so. Our mission is to help them find their place in the market, and help our buyers find new and meaningful artwork.

Scheideggstrasse 124, 8038 Zurich
+41 77 478 41 82