Satellites of Art Cinema Ad
Ready for a more inclusive Art Scene? To meet and support artists in emerging countries? Join the Satellites of Art community. Satellites of Art Cinema Ad shown in Cinema Skino in Schaan Liechtenstein.
The problem of exclusivity in the market
The art world has long been criticized for its lack of diversity and inclusivity. Historically, the industry has been dominated by wealthy collectors and elite institutions, with artists from marginalized communities struggling to gain recognition and representation. This exclusivity has
Art has no gender
¿El ARTE no tiene género? A lo largo de la historia, existen innumerables casos de mujeres artistas invisibilizadas por su género; muchas de ellas, han firmado su obra con seudónimos masculinos para poder ser vistas o aceptadas. En comparación con los
‘’Esperanza / Hope’’ – Diciembre y compañía
We are committed to making the world a fairer place by empowering global artists and growing the art community. Our message this year is a message of hope and the amazing things we can achieve if we work together. We want
Get Involved – Amnesty International
As part of our partnership with Amnesty International Switzerland, we are proud to share this year’s Christmas Card, featuring one of our dear artists from Uganda, Victoria Nabulime; whose work reflects the beautiful bonds of sisterhood and every woman’s important
Make the invisible(s) visible
“A journey across cultures and countries, a flexible and meaningful exhibition based on technology” At Satellites of Art (SoA), we have a mission; increase the visibility of art and artists from emerging countries. We want to bring in all countries we are
Katrin Imhof: «Ich wünsche ihnen die Visibilität, die ihnen gerecht wird»
SCHAAN - Noch bis 11. Dezember sind im Atelier 62 in Schaan Arbeiten einer kubanischen Fotografin, zusammen mit Malerei von Simone Fiorillo zu sehen. Ein Gespräch mit Katrin Imhof, Gründerin der vermittelnden Organisation für Kunst aus der südlichen Hemisphäre. «Volksblatt»:
Youth Art & Innovation Fair – WIPO
On Tuesday 4th October 2022, Satellites of Art attended the Youth Art & Innovation Fair at the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) headquarters in Geneva, Switzerland. The event was co-organized by two United Nations organizations, the World Intellectual Property Organization – WIPO and
Katrin Imhof, Gründerin Satellites of Art: Eine Plattform für Kunstschaffende und Kunstinteressierte
Katrin Imhof ist Neurowissenschaftlerin und Geschäftsleiterin des Kunstunternehmens «Satellites of Art». Aufgewachsen in Liechtenstein, studierte sie in Zürich Neurobiologie und promovierte im Bereich Kinder- und Jugendpsychiatrie. Danach leitete sie für Amnesty International eine Kampagne gegen Folter und war anschliessend 13
Addressing the Demonization of African Art
African art has been demonized for centuries, but it's time to stop underrating these creative works and start celebrating them locally. This demonization has a historical origin: The first African sculptures and paintings were created in form of masks and