Kayimahe Ismael Zed

“To me, art is life. I strive to create a visual beauty That viewers can I with and hope to inspire some feelings in the audience.”

Visual Artist, Painter


I am a Visual Artist, Rwandan Painter, born in Kigali.
I chose art as my only activity and I approach different techniques, including drawing, oil painting, acrylic and also water colour.
I am inspired by everyday life. I place most focus in portraiture art, my work is imbued with the admiration, respect and appreciation I hold for black women worldwide.
I intend to represent their beauty and strength. For me art is life, it is what gives me joy.  
- 2021 “,Art, Human and Universe” Group exhibition, Kigali, Rwanda

Scheideggstrasse 124, 8038 Zurich
+41 77 478 41 82