
Murten Festival Sinema 2023

Murten Festival Sinema 2023

The Murten Festival Sinema is just around the corner on October 28th! We’ll be participating in the Art-trail, showcasing our exhibition and engaging in a thought-provoking dialogue with the incredible artists: Hela Ammar, Tunisia-Alireza Memariani, Iran- Ursula Wolf, Liechtenstein at LaCabane in Murten.  Ursula Wolf will present her work on-site, while Héla Ammar and Alireza Memariani will be there live via video stream.

Time: 13:00H

LaCabane in Murten

Mark your calendars for October 28th!

For more details, click the link below: https://festivalsinema.ch/



Hela Ammar, Tunisia: “Art is my best way to address the world and every issue I deal with as a human being and as a citizen.”

Alireza Memariani, Iran: “For me, art and beauty are a path to truth and perfection. Everything I create has a real reference and story behind it. For a deeper understanding of my work, there is also a need for recognition of the symbols in my work. Self-made symbols within relevant themes. I personalize everything that I have acquired from the culture, society, history, and religion in order to convey it in a universal language. The image, especially photography, has the largest share of my work, but most of these images are compositions of different materials and subjects. Before being a painter, I am a gardener. I collect ideas like seeds around me. I try to immerse myself in a creative environment to spend time and energy on them until they blossom at the right time. My art, regardless of its form, is in pursuit of a mission, a mission related to the miracle of life.“

Ursula Wolf, Liechtenstein: Das Überraschende, das Zufällige im Alltag zieht mich an und regt meine Fantasie immer wieder an. Dies geschieht häufig und fast regelmässig. Ich kann mich eigentlich darauf verlassen und verspüre keinen Druck. Beobachtungen und Gespräche inspirieren mich zudem. Alles ist da, man muss es nur sehen.“

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